Tesari programs provide the area with much needed public space for gathering, community building, education and recreation.
Don Lorenzo and Dona Paula Veloso Lebumfacil Children’s Park
In 2001, the founders of Tesari, Lilian and Michael Overs, built a public park in Barangay Cabitoonan. This park provides a valuable public area and offers a safe space for children to play. The park also serves as the location for seasonal community building events that are organized by the Foundation, such as a Christmas party for local children.
Capilla Santa Ana, Museum and Community Centre
In 2011, Tesari built the Capilla Santa Ana in Toledo, a multi-purpose building that consists of a chapel, a community centre and a museum of religious artifacts. The Capilla Santa Ana offers educational, cultural and community services.
Capilla Santa Ana Pre-school
In 2012, Tesari established a pre-school that operates six days a week, providing a free education for under-privileged children from the surrounding town.
A well-planned curriculum and a well-balanced program of activities, including indoor and outdoor play, aims to develop children physically, socially, emotionally and cognitively to maximize the children’s potential.
Junior, senior and summer school classes are held inside the chapel, and over 100 students complete the program every year. The school employs one full-time teacher and one teacher’s aide as well as uses the assistance of administrative staff.