Dr. Fred Gentili, MD, MSc, FRCSC, Neurosurgeon
Toronto Western Hospital, University Health Network (UHN)
Dr. Gentili is one of Canada’s pioneers in skull base surgery. Tesari Charitable Foundation supports his research to allow him and his team to further new surgical techniques and support educational and fellowship programs for the next generation of neurosurgeons from countries all over the world.
Skull base describes the area of the skull on which the brain rests – essentially the boundary between the face and the brain. The close proximity of the skull base to intricate structures such as major arteries and veins, ear canals, and cranial nerves make it one of the most complex areas on which to operate.
Dr. Gentili and his team have helped develop more minimally invasive endonasal surgery, one of the most advanced surgical techniques used today for the removal of skull base tumors. Prior to these techniques, patients with tumors and lesions in these regions were often considered untreatable with limited life expectancies. Now, the five-year survival rate has doubled and the quality of life for all patients has improved significantly.